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About US > Formula Student 2015

We support - Formula Student 2015 - http://www.tubrnoracing.cz/en/

 From 2015, our company became a technology supplier heat treatment ARCOR V (salt bath nitriding with subsequent oxidation), for steel components the project Formula Student technical University in Brno. Students selected places possible applications where the technology applied. They were selected parts of the engine and chassis units.

In this time will be tested formula. After the tests, the team visit championship:

  • 28. 7. - 2. 8. 2015 - Formula Student Germany 2015 - Hockenheimring
  • 20. - 23. 8. 2015 - Formula Student Hungary 2015 - Győr
  • 3. - 6. 9. 2015 - Formula Student Czech Republic 2015 - Most
  • 11. - 14. 9. 2015 - Formula SAE Italy & Formula Electric Italy 2015 - Varano de' Melegari

TEAM TU Brno - Formula Student 2015

Good Luck !!!